How designers express their feelings to their loved ones ?

Writing to someone you love is tricky. You have to be very particular about that. At a time when we are separated by visible and invisible barriers, forced apart by social distancing, and almost completely reliant on more impersonal forms of communication like email, social media, and video chatting, a letter is a particularly meaningful and romantic gesture because it's slow, intentional, and deeply personal. If you are a designer, or you are having a friend who is one. You should definitely try it out and they will definitely respond with a huge "YES".

Here's how you can write a letter to your special designer friend.

    Dear love,

The day I met you my CMYK vision changed to RGB. Everything looked so bright like never before. With the very first eye contact, I knew you were mine. People often say that DIRECT SELECTION is difficult but for me, it was as simple as creating an ARTBOARD. I'm FILLED with the vibrant COLORS of your beautiful smile. I am experiencing a TRANSFORM in my PROPERTIES. You are like my PATHFINDER with whom I'll be a great ARTWORK.

I can imagine you're creating fantasies using PEN TOOL. Everything is BLUR when you are not around. Using TYPE TOOL you have written your name permanently in my heart. Please don't use SCISSORS on my proposal.

I'm looking forward to meet you again at the same place same time with both of us ALIGN to each other. I'll create a permanent CLIPPING MASK with you and never leave you alone.

Waiting for your answer.

Your Love.



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