What should Jagdeesh do next?

Jagdeesh was born into a family of agricultural officers in Jaipur. He was the smallest among three brothers. They used to play together and have fun. He was very creative unlike his other brothers he loved to paint, loved music and drive. They crossed teens and the only work of the elder brother was to take money from the father and eat and drink. The time passed Jagdeesh completed his graduation he was passionate about stones, water and nature. 

He and his friend started a small business of finding water underground in rural areas. Everything was working fine. On one fine day, he thought that he should try taking some government exams and should have a settled life. 

Fortunately, he cracked the Airport Authority Exam. Everyone was happy. The only difficulty was that the appointment was in Delhi and he had to travel from Jaipur to Delhi for the job. His second brother also got an appointment from a rural bank. He also got shifted to a rural village in the state. On the other hand, his elder brother was living his dream life of drinking and smoking and that too from his father's money.

Time passed by and his elder brother got married and later his second brother. Unfortunately, after a few years of the marriage of the second, his father passed away. His mother was also bedridden. Rakesh, the elder brother used to take care of his mother as he was the one who would take money from her and spend it on his luxurious needs. Jageesh and Girish, the second elder brother used to send money for the medicines and daily needs of their elder brother, his wife and his little boy.

Time passed by and it was Jagdeesh's time to get married, he was married to a decent, well-mannered and intelligent girl. After which a wave of happiness came to the house. She used to win everyone's hearts with her words. 

As Jagdeesh was working in Delhi they used to live there. Years passed by and they were blessed with a baby daughter. There were no limits to their happiness. Everything was going good. They used to visit the ancestral property every festival. Every time they visit their mother Rakesh and his wife used to fight. She used to fight over unnecessary things. Over the years the fights increased, Jagdeesh told his mother that if this continued it might be difficult for him to come to visit her with his family. 

Jagdeesh's father was an A1 agricultural officer of Britisher's time. He had a huge home in Jaipur. After his decease, the property was transferred to his wife and later to his three boys (Rakesh, Girish and Jagdeesh). Rakesh who did nothing used to live with his family in his father's house, Girish used to live in a rural village with his wife and Jagdeesh used to live with his wife and children in Delhi.

Years passed by Rakesh's son grew up and did nothing as his father. After the demise of their mother, Rakesh used to forbade his brothers to come to their ancestral house.

After 8 years of their mother's deceased, Rakesh still forbade his brother and their family to come to stay in their own father's house. Even if Jagdeesh is coming with his family Rakesh is fighting with them on unnecessary things.  

Later, in a conversation, it was found that Rakesh and his wife wanted to arrogate (snatch/usurp) this ancestral house because it's huge, also because Girish was already having a house in Raipur and Jagdeesh had a house in Delhi.

Is the thought of Rakesh and his wife appropriate?

Why a person so helping and kind as Jagdeesh is suffering to get his own father's property?


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