Journey to Spanish language

It started long back when broadband connections were on air. Earlier then we were having modem thing for accessing the internet. I guess it was the year 2011-12 when the first broadband was introduced to me. 

On those days we have only given one hour of the explosion to screens. We can either watch videos or play games or whatever we want within just one hour. 

I remember the time, it was the year 2014 or 2015 I was in my 9th or 10th grade. A video was recommended on YouTube. Without thinking anything I clicked and watched the video. The video was amazingly wonderful. Yes, that was a Spanish video. 
It was the very first time Spanish has introduced to me just small words like Hola!! (Hello!!), ¿cómo estás? (How are you?), estoy bien(I'm good), gracias(thank you), de nada (welcome) like that. I was like ok I'll surely be able to speak Spanish now. I learned counting numbers, names of weeks, months, things related to the house such as the kitchen is called Cocina, bedroom called dormitorio in Spanish. 

This was not the pause I started to learn vocabulary on daily basis. It's my habit that if I start something I continue till the result is achieved it was.The first time I was dedicated to achieve something. I used to write the translation on a small piece of paper and paste it on whichever object it is like I would write puerta i.e door in Spanish and paste it on the door. I used to play small games which helped me a lot to memorize nouns, objects, and nearby objects. 

In 2015, I made another Diary of a Spanish and wrote small phrases, songs, really short stories. 
On other hand, I was in my 11th now undoubtedly I have to focus on my studies. I wrote everything in my diary, not in the mind. It was really difficult back then to speak a single sentence in Spanish. 


So there was a huge pause in my Spanish. The time leaps and everything changed. The whole world is suffering from pandemic Corona. Most of the countries had announced lockdown in their premises. This was the time everyone was finding their hidden, unique talent. I also tried many things. I tried painting, sketching, coding, illustrating, writing, reading, but nothing continued for more than 5 days. 
My mother suggested that I should try to re-adopt the Spanish language that I disowned years back. It strikes my mind and I continued my Spanish. Later in the lockdown, I learned verbs, conjugation, the formation of sentences. From that only time, I continued My speaking skills and tried to maintain them daily.

These are small steps I took to stay motivated and improve speaking a new language. 

● I change my phone language to my desired/targeted language (Spanish).
● I started Mariposa diary(a name I gave to my diary mariposa is a butterfly in Spanish) in which I write a minimum of 3 new words in the targeted language.

● Daily Make a video on targeted language at least 2 minutes is sufficient. 

I understood regularity is important and necessary to achieve anything in life whether it's adopting a new skill or making yourself learn a new language.



  1. Very well written. The tips given by you are very useful for those who are willing to learn any language . You are a inspiration to others who wants to utilise their pandemic period in a positive way. Thanks for sharing your experience. Gracias ...

  2. Nicely written Shreya, now show some continuity in writing blog too. Keep it up.All the very best

  3. Great work, fellow! Those looking to Study Spanish in Mexico should shortlist the right institute with top-class amenities and faculties. Check the website and and reviews online to make better decision.


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