Describe your city

Speaking or writing requires a good and proper amount of vocabulary. In this blog, you'll find words that you can use in speaking about a place. These words can be used in other contexts as well.

Words that Embrace the place (Palabras que abrazan el lugar):

  • Ancient (antigua) - a place that has a long history

  • beautiful (hermoso)- very pleasing on the eye
  • Bustling (Bullicioso)- a crowded, busy place
  • Charming (Encantador)- very pleasing
  • Contemporary (Contemporáneo)- modern, very up to date
  • Compact (Compacto)- contained within a small area
  • Cultures and religions (cultures y religiones)
  • Cosmopolitan (Cosmopolita)- somewhere with a rich and varied mix of cultures and languages.
  • Crowed (Cantado)- very full of people
  • Exciting (Emocionante)- fun, thrilling
  • Expensive (Costoso)- costing a lot of money
  • Fascinating (Facinante)- very interesting
  • fantastic (fantástico)-wonderful
  • Inexpensive (Barato)-not costing very much
  • Picturesque (Pintoresco)-charming and interesting
  • Touristy (Turístico)-visited by a lot of people
It's a kind of superpower. The words writers choose to describe a place are important, they are the vehicles that move from place to place. Let's get creative and write a story.


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