Describe your feeling

Expressing your feelings before asking for what you want helps you to connect to yourself and another person. When learning a new language you come across how to describe your feelings. Describing a feeling is the most important technique in learning a language. While many phrases are related to situational contexts and are deeply rooted in culture, we can find some interesting and useful phrases to talk about emotions that can give any Spanish learner a smooth head start. In this blog, you will find answers to questions like :

¿Como te sientes hoy? (How you feel today? ) 

¿Qué tal la fiesta? (How the party like? ) 

¿Cómo te sientes? (How do you feel? ) 

¿Qué tal el concierto? (How's the concert like? )

In Spanish, we have everything classified as masculine or feminine even the feelings. We use endings like -a if it's female and -o if male. Words that best describe your positive feelings are :

  1. Feliz / contenta(o) - to be happy
  2. Enamorada(o) - in love 
  3. Agradecida(o) - grateful
  4. De Buen humor - in a good mood
  5. Loca(o)- crazy
  6. Abburiba(o) - bored
  7. Preocupada(o) - concerned
  8. Lista(o) - ready
Some negative feeling such as sad, upset, nervous, sick, etc can be described as :
  1. Triste - sad
  2. Enojoda(o) - upset
  3. De mal humor / malhumorada(o) - in bad mood
  4. Deprimida(o) - depressed
  5. Enferma(o) - sick
  6. Cansada(o) - tried
  7. De luto - in mourning
  8. Confundida (o) -confused 
To use these adjectives we use words like estoy estas está estamos estan for I'm, you're, he's/she's, we're, they're respectively :

Estoy cansada (I'm tired)
Estas cansada (You're tired)
El está cansado (He's tired)
Estamos cansadas (We're tired)
Estan cansadas (They're tired)

Now you are ready to express your feelings in Spanish.


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